Welcome to Trinity
We know our church looks like a giant toaster... maybe that's why it's such a warm, welcoming place. Come as you are and join us for worship anytime! Here's what you can expect each week:
Sunday Morning
Worship starts at 9:30am. The worship service is held in the main sanctuary and lasts about one hour.
Nursery/Children's Church- Childcare is available for kids newborn to 5th Grade.
Our children's workers are loving helpers who create a safe and fun experience for your child. If your child is shy, they are welcome to stay with you in the service until they feel more comfortable going to children's church.
Worship at Trinity
The Service- A typical worship service includes congregational singing, reading and reflecting on Scripture, prayer, offering and anything else that helps us connect with God.
The Lord's Supper- At Trinity we celebrate Communion as part of our worship service on the first Sunday every month. United Methodists practice an "Open Table" meaning that we recognize that Jesus "invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another." We will never deny a seat at the table to anyone who feels Jesus' invitation to commune.
The Offering- We do not pass the plate during the worship service. Instead, offering plates are available near each of the doorways. We also offer online giving options by clicking the "Giving" tab at the top of this page. While we have no expectations that visitors will make a financial contribution, we would encourage you to complete a communication card and place it in the plate as an offering of your presence in church with us.
After Worship
In the Parlor- After the service we gather in our "Parlor" to enjoy a time of fellowship and light refreshments. This is a great time to meet and greet the pastors and other church members.
During the Week - There are a variety of events and programs offered throughout the week for all ages. As you are ready, we will lead you in the right direction to help you plug in and get more involved at Trinity United Methodist Church.